Recent News

Winter Enrichments

You can now check-out our Winter Enrichment Brochure. Registration opens October 26th and closes November 9th.

McMeen Fundraiser!

Special Event with Drinks September 28th 5-7PM 175 N. Filmore Street Shop for jewelry at the Kendra Scott store between Sept. 28th & 29th and mention McMeen Elementary when checking out for 20% of the proceeds to go back toContinue Reading

Math Spirit Day!

Join us as we celebrate our love for math! When: Friday, September 15th, 2023 What: Wear a shirt with numbers, shapes, or lines! (Jerseys would be an easy choice, but you can also make your own!) During the school-day, yourContinue Reading

Meet Your Teacher Night

Join us on August 17th for Meet Your Teacher Night from 4-6pm at McMeen Elementary! This is a great chance to meet your teacher, see your classroom, meet other McMeen staff, and even drop off school supplies so you don’tContinue Reading