Value of the Month: Self-Direction

Posted October 15, 2024

We’re working with Capturing Kids’ Hearts (CKH) to empower McMeen students to grow into leaders. As a part of this work, every month we focus on a specific value here at McMeen. During October, we will be focusing on self-direction.

Self-direction involves challenging students to envision future goals and take intentional steps toward who they want to be. It can also involve celebrating the positive in each day, seeking the good in others, and emphasizing our responsibility to make positive choices.

As we promote self-direction here at school, we encourage you to promote self-direction at home with your student. Here are some ideas on how to do that:

  • Daily Affirmations: Encourage your child to start or end their day with positive affirmations. Help them create affirmations that focus on their abilities and the positive impact they can have on others.
  • Positive Choice Reflection: After your child makes a decision, encourage them to reflect on the positive outcomes that result from their choice. Discuss what went well and how they felt about making that choice.
  • Gratitude Journals: Encourage your child to keep a daily gratitude journal where they write down three positive things that happened each day. This practice fosters a mindset that recognizes and celebrates the good in their lives.
  • Vision Boards: Help your child make a vision board that illustrates their dreams and goals. You can have them cut up pictures from old magazines and/or draw their own pictures. Then, help them glue these pictures to a poster board and hang it up in a special space. This creative activity will help your child visualize their future and will serve as a daily reminder of what they aspire to achieve.