Logistics for the 2023-2024 School Year

Posted August 2, 2023


As a reminder, our hours for this year are 7:40am-2:40pm. Please plan accordingly so students don’t miss valuable instruction. We will be focusing heavily on attendance this year as we know how important it is for student success. Please reach out if you have questions or need support.

Find Your Child’s Teacher and Room Number

You will be able to access this information through the registration process and Parent Portal. We will provide more details as we complete the registration process August 1st-3rd.

Upcoming Dates

Here is the McMeen Calendar for the 2023-2024 School Year


  • August 17 – Meet Your Teacher Night 4-6pm
  • August 21 – First Day of School for K-5
  • August 21 – ECE Orientation 7:45-9:15
  • August 22 – First Day of School for ECE
  • August 31 – Back to School Night 4-6pm
  • August 31 – Salsa Fest with the Community Garden 6-7pm

Arrival and Dismissal Logistics

Our arrival and dismissal will run the same way that it has in the past. Both arrival and dismissal will happen on our playground.


In the mornings, buses will park along Tennessee between Holly and the parking lot entrance. Please do not park here in the mornings as it can cause issues for our buses. Families can pull into the parking lot for Kiss-and-Go (no parking) starting at 7:20am. This is also when you can drop students off on the playground for the day. Please know there is NO SUPERVISION prior to 7:20am. Families are welcome to park along the surrounding streets if they would like to walk their kids to the playground. ECE families are required to park on the street and walk their student to their class door in order to sign them in.


For dismissal, buses pull into the parking lot and the lot is closed off to families for safety reasons. We encourage families to park along the street and walk up to the playground. The space on Tennessee between Holly and the parking lot is open for parent parking in the afternoon. If you would like to make alternate plans for your child to meet you somewhere else for dismissal, you must communicate this with your child’s teacher. All children must be picked up by 2:45pm.

Discovery Link

We understand that you may need support with your child(ren) before or after school hours. At McMeen, we offer Discovery Link, a district run before and after school enrichment program. It runs from 6:30-7:30am and 2:40-6:00pm. You can learn more and sign your child(ren) up here: https://equity.dpsk12.org/extended-learning/discovery-link/school-year-program/

Family-Student Handbook and Compact

We are in the process of finalizing these and will make them available once we have them.