Posted January 20, 2021
DPS is providing free COVID-19 testing for students to support a safe return to school. Our full community of students and staff will now have the opportunity to take ongoing screening tests every other week.
Registering for testing can be completed at any of COVIDCheck Colorado’s testing sites. The tests are free, fast, and reliable. You can see an updated list of testing sites including sites at DPS schools at the Montbello campus, Abraham Lincoln Campus, the North High School Campus, All City Stadium and a new site at George Washington High School. The test will be completed via nasal PCR test or SalivaDirect™, and results will be returned within 36-72 hours.
At any time, families and students can schedule a test at existing COVIDCheck Colorado sites. Any DPS student or employee should use our district link, while family members can continue to use the community link.